Best platform to learn Python

Best platform to learn Python

There are many platforms to learn Python, some popular options include:

Codecademy: an online platform that offers interactive coding lessons in Python and other programming languages.

Coursera: an online learning platform that offers courses on Python programming from top universities and institutions.

edX: an online learning platform that offers a variety of Python courses, including those from top universities and organizations.

Udemy: an online learning platform that offers a wide range of Python courses, including those for beginners and advanced users.

SoloLearn: offers interactive coding lessons and quizzes on Python and other programming languages.

DataCamp: an online platform that focuses on data science and offers interactive Python courses and tutorials.

Ultimately the best platform depends on your learning style, budget, and prior knowledge.

Here are a few additional platforms to consider:

Khan Academy: a non-profit educational organization that offers a variety of Python programming tutorials and exercises.

Code Wars: a platform that allows you to practice your Python skills by completing coding challenges and competing with other users.

HackerRank: a platform that offers coding challenges and competitions in Python and other programming languages. a website that offers interactive Python tutorials and exercises for beginners. the official website of the Python programming language, which offers a variety of resources, including tutorials, documentation, and a community forum.

GitHub: a platform that hosts a large number of open-source Python projects, allowing you to learn by exploring and contributing to existing code.

It's good to check some of them and compare them before choosing the one that fits your learning style and budget.


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